We are wanting to share with our family and friends the new journey we feel the Lord is asking us to travel. We feel the hand of the Lord leading us to expand our family. To offer the fatherless (James 1) a place of hope, love and security.
This is for sure an impossibility that we are not able to accomplish or dream up on our own and... one that comes with mixed emotions. Our inadequacies and lack of resources raise their ugly heads. Satan is not pleased with someone helping those who are helpless, hopeless and lonely, but with God all things are possible. How many times will we need to be reminded of this. Many times in the beginning steps of this journey God has already shown us this truth again. It is difficult to put what we are feeling in words.
We have been open to foster to adopt, then adoption, then international adoption. We are knocking at the door and listening to the Lord's voice to show us the direction He wants us to go. In this vast world God has created we believe He has another daughter and son for us to care for, protect and nurture into a relationship with Him and our family. The modern church seems to believe that the Christian life is supposed to be easy but we are aware the best way is not always the easy way. These orphans have not had it easy in their life and are looking and hoping for someone to care for them. As we travel this journey we invite you to join with us in prayer, encouragement, and any type of support you want to share. We look forward to seeing God glorified during this journey called obedience.
Denny and Donna Kost